“蓝花楹”校友梦想 Jacaranda Dream Fund
蓝花楹,梦想之树。校园里的蓝花楹见证过莘莘学子的青春梦想。 Jacaranda, the dream tree, is a witness of young scholars’ dreams.
咖啡角士达夫 Coffee Corner Staff Fund
咖啡角致力于提供一个非正式的交流环境,增强教职工之间的沟通与联结,增强凝聚力和互相了解程度,从而使得各部门更加紧密沟通合作,最终促进大学更好的发展。Coffee Corner Staff Program aims to provide an informal communication platform, facilitating inter-department or inter-unit cooperation.
好奇心计划 Enterprise Program
好奇心是人类进步最底层的驱动力。Enterprise Program is set up to fund the pursuit encouraged by curiosity, helping students to explore the diverse world.
大学艺术发展 University Arts Development Fund
香港中文大学(深圳)重视“全人教育”,致力于培养全面发展的优秀人才。The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen values "whole-person education" and is committed to cultivating well-rounded and outstanding talents.
思廷书院全人发展体系 Whole-person Development Scheme of Muse College
梧桐计划 Wutong Charity
梧桐,吾同,梧桐山下,凤凰栖息之地,香港中文大学(深圳)思廷书院发起的公益项目,旨在为书院支教项目地的留守儿童定向募款,帮助其走出大山,来到深圳和粤港澳大湾区其他城市,认识广阔的世界,种下梦想的希望。 Wutong Charity, launched by Muse College of CUHK-Shenzhen, a college with the spirit of "philanthropy and social responsibility" near the Wutong Mt. This program aims to raise funds for Left-behind students in Guizhou and Shaanxi Province where voluntary teaching and service learning programs of Muse College were carried out in the past three years.
学勤书院秉承大学的全人教育理念, 致力于建立和完善将教育融于生活的教书育人模式, 开创一片利于学生智性、个性和社会性发展的沃土,培育他们发现并了解自己独特的潜能,成长为有思想、富有同理心、有创意、勇于担当的人以及未来的领袖。
“虹之间”学勤Open Rain环保公益
“虹之间”学勤公益项目由香港中文大学(深圳)学勤书院学生公益组织Open Rain发起设立,所募集资金将用于Open Rain所举办的环保类公益活动。Open Rain旨在通过举办各类公益活动,引导同学们主动为社会服务,塑造正确的人生观、价值观、世界观和公益观。